
Saturday, July 16, 2011

Basic Notions On How Concrete Polishing Is Made

By Adriana Noton

As one of the most recent trends when it comes to flooring, concrete polishing can be a great option for home decoration. People can either hire a company to create these types of decorations for their households, or they can follow some easy steps that can show them how to polish concrete. One of the basic things to know is that concrete surfaces can be sharpened at any level, depending on the smoothness or shining that is required for a surface.

Wood sanding, for instance, is a similar operation to concrete polishing. There is a single difference between the procedures, and it is given by the materials that are used for smoothing the surface. Diamond pads are used for concrete and paper is used for wood.

When a smoothing operation begins, people may have to think about some important factors: the floors can have low or high spots and cracks can be found, many times. Other factors may exist, but they are less important.

Floor smoothing can have two different approaches: with the use of liquids and without the use of liquids. In the first case, the diamond pads are watered for the purposes of cooling, friction elimination, lubrication and sharpening removal. The watering method is taking more time and the mess that it causes may be annoying.

The second method, which is a dry one, uses a polishing machine. The new technologies that are used with the device can eliminate the friction that is usually involved in smoothing. The dust is absorbed by the equipment with the aid of a vacuum, for avoiding any possible mess. The vacuum system can be helpful in increasing productivity. However, the dust cannot be absorbed completely and this may be a disadvantage for the dry method.

There are two types of polishing devices: big ones, which are used by walking behind them, and small ones, which can be hand held and are used for mostly for edges. To make a good job, many steps have to be taken with the grinder, until the floor is shining. Before the desired level of shining is reached, several grid sizes can be used to polish the floor.

In order to make the floor stronger and more compact, a liquid hardener has to be used. The liquid will enter into the pores of the floor, making it harder and waterproof. After the hardening process, the shining operation can begin, and the length of this step will depend on the shining level desired. Using a regular vacuum device and a mop will end the whole process.

Concrete polishing and industrial flooring can be one of the modern ways of floor decoration. The tools required for people to perform such operations may be bought, but professionals may recommend calling a specialized firm in floor decoration. Since the employees of flooring company may have the best polishing methods, using their services may be a better option for people, than smoothing the floor themselves.

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